

Adventure & Celebrations


Check Out These Awesome Graduation Party Ideas

Graduation Caps Thrown in the Air

Check Out These Awesome Graduation Party Ideas

When commencement is over it is time to toss the cap and have a graduation party! Try these ideas for a wonderful celebration of your grad's achievement.

Most graduates look forward to their graduation day, but not necessarily commencement itself. It is what happens next that those seniors have been planning for years: the party.

For parents the idea of a night dedicated to freedom and debauchery can be scary and not without reason. Thinking back to the parties of their own graduation evenings is sure to yield at least one unpleasant and unfortunate occurrence. How can you help your graduate avoid such an event yet allow them to have the play and celebration they surely deserve? The answer is simple: help them plan the party and support their ideas.

The Rules

Rule number one when planning a graduation party for your high school graduate is that this is their party, not yours. No matter how good your intentions are if you step on their toes and butt in where your help is not wanted you are sure to meet resentment and resistance. Lend a helping hand, but trust your teen and the job you have done raising them. They'll need to be able to guide themselves once they move out on their own. They won't have you there to help them at every corner.

Rule Two: talk to your teen and set the expectations. You don’t have to be there to hold your graduate’s hand, but letting them know what you expect of them will help them to avoid sticky situations. Understand that your teen may get involved in certain activities, like drinking, that you don't necessarily approve of. Your teen's safety is more important than anything, so even if you disapprove take the time to explain how to be safe.

Compromise! Curfew is not optional now that high school is a memory, but it can be significantly altered. Know where your teen is and how to get in touch in case of trouble. Tell them that you expect them to be home the following day, and to check in once at some point during the party. This isn't overbearing, but it is still setting the right expectation.

Party, Party

A party for teen is usually easy. All you need to do is provide the place and perhaps the funding. That being said, you do have some input, like no drinking or drugs. You will know how much or little chaperoning needs to be included; hopefully for a group of graduates this need is virtually null.

Graduation Party Idea One: Have a themed party. It is best to let your grad and friends choose the theme, and then help them to decorate for it. Keep in mind that certain themes are going to be too young for your graduating teen. Common older teen party themes can include a beach or pool party. Sometimes, it may make your teen feel more like a grown-up if you refrain from calling it a themed party, and instead ask them if they'd like any specific activities to occur at their party. That can steer them in the right direction.

Graduation Party Idea Two: Rentals. There are many facilities teens love that are rentable. Why not rent a movie theater for the night? A reception hall where there is space for dancing is also a great option. Renting a bowling alley has the activities built right in and usually includes food of some sort.

Graduation Party Idea Three: A trip. Most seniors look forward to a senior trip. If this is not organized by your school, help your teen to plan one for themselves and close friends. This keeps the likelihood of stupid choices to a minimum because there are fewer people involved in the party, and the chances are high that you will know the close friends invited on the trip.

The Moms Who Think Guide to Celebrations (for birthdays and other holidays)

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