

Family Life


8 Bible Stories to Teach Your Child About Peace

Happy Caucasian little kid girl wearing dress standing outdoors stands against orange studio wall keeps hands on heart, expresses gratitude. Honesty concept.

8 Bible Stories to Teach Your Child About Peace

There are many amazing and inspiring stories in the Bible that can help you and your kids during your everyday lives. Though there are some hard lessons in the Good Book, there are also many stories that can help you to be happier in your life. To show you what we mean, we have eight Bible stories to teach your child about peace. Some of these stories are about how forgiving those who wronged you can provide ultimate peace. Other stories talk about how belief and love of God and Jesus Christ can give you peace and eternal life. There’s a lot of great lessons to learn by reading the Bible, and we hope these stories will give you the peace you deserve.

Jesus Gives All Believers Peace

The first lesson you can use to teach your child about peace is this: Life is hard, and it often comes with challenges, but as Jesus Christ taught the world and his disciples, if you believe in him, you can relax and have peace. Shortly before he was crucified, Jesus spoke to his disciples. They were worried about his fate, but Jesus told them that he was leaving them with peace. He told them not to let their hearts be troubled. Basically, he reminded them that those who believe in what Jesus did on the cross will have everlasting life. When you die, you will go to Heaven if you believe in Jesus and repent for your sins. That fact can give your children a lot of peace as they go through tough times. If they truly believe in what Jesus did, after all the hard years, they will find happiness in Heaven. That fact should help them to be okay during their many years on earth.

Jesus Sleeps During a Storm

In a story found in the book of Mark, Jesus and his disciples were traveling by boat after a day of spreading the word of God. While they were on the water, a huge storm came up and was rocking the boat pretty hard. The disciples were very afraid. However, the whole time, Jesus Christ slept without any fear. Looking for help, the disciples woke him up, but he was not concerned. Instead, he stood up and told the wind to stop, and it did. The seas were calm. The lesson of this story is that if you and your kids put your faith in Jesus Christ, you can find the peace you need during even the most turbulent times of your life. You can have peace in this life and in Heaven as you enjoy eternal life.

The Peace in Psalm 23

There’s a lot you can teach your child about peace by reading the book of Psalms in the Bible. These were written by David, who started out as a shepherd but then became so beloved that he was hunted by a jealous and angry man named Saul. David was on the run a lot of the time, but he was never too scared to go on. That was because of God. In Psalm 23, David talks about how God is a shepherd for people because we are his sheep. He will always guide us to safety and watch over us, and that fact should give us peace. He talked about how even when we have the toughest times and walk through the darkest valleys, God is there for us to help us through. The point of the story is that when you and your kids understand God and Jesus’s love for you, it should bring you peace. Times may be hard here on earth, but believe in Jesus and what he did on the cross, and you can find true happiness in Heaven.

Forgiveness Provides Peace

One of the reasons that many people are stressed and anxious is because they’re harboring angry feelings against someone. That could be a friend, family member, or even a coworker. If you teach your kids to forgive people who wrong them, they’ll feel much happier. That lesson proves itself in the story of siblings Jacob and Esau. As a youngster, Jacob convinced Esau to give him his birthright. Later on, Jacob stole a blessing that was supposed to be for Esau. Jacob knew that what he was doing was wrong. As they got older and separated, Jacob was constantly worried that Esau would come for revenge, and so he never had peace. Later on, they reunited and forgave each other, and everyone felt better. Teach your kids that if there’s someone that they need to forgive, that they should do it. They’ll feel much better, and they’ll be a good person as well because of it.

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

While on the topic of forgiveness, we learn about Joseph and how he forgave his brothers. When he was younger, his brothers were very jealous of him because their father seemed to favor him over them. So, they tricked Joseph and had him sold into slavery. For many years, Joseph was a slave and later spent time in prison, all because of what his brothers did. However, thanks to the protection of God, Joseph was able to get out of trouble and eventually have a powerful position, which was helpful when there was a famine in the land. Joseph’s brothers came to him begging for food. He could have turned them down after what they did to them. However, he forgave them and helped them. This story shows that even if people have done a lot of bad things to you, that they should be forgiven over time. That act of forgiveness will give you ultimate peace.

David Decides Not to Attack Nabal

Another important lesson you can use to teach your child about peace comes from the story of David. For a period of time, David was on the run from a jealous man named Saul. While he was running with some of his soldiers, he was running low on supplies, so he sent his men to Nabal, a nearby landowner. Nabal turned them down and said he would not share his supplies. David was angry, and he wanted to attack Nabal, but his wife, Abigail, convinced David not to take revenge. It goes back to the verse in the book of Matthew, which says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” The point of the story and the lesson for your kids is that it’s better to be peaceful than to try to take revenge. Even if someone treats you wrong, taking revenge and getting mad will only make you feel worse. Though it may seem hard at first, it’s easier to be forgiving.

David Spares Saul

There are many stories in the Bible about David that you can use to teach your child about peace. Part of David’s life involved being chased by Saul, who wanted to kill him. While he was on the run with his men, David happened to come across Saul, who was sleeping. This was David’s chance to kill Saul so that he would no longer be hunted. However, even though he had his sword ready, David could not kill the man. Instead, he cut off a piece of his robe. David then ran off. However, he felt so guilty about even cutting Saul’s robe that he came clean and admitted to Saul what he did. The lesson for kids is that they’ll have more peace if they try to do what’s right. Getting revenge might feel right, but it will never lead to peace. It’s better to admit wrongdoing. Admitting you did wrong makes it easier to find peace and be happier overall.

A Rainbow After the Flood

A final Bible story that you can use to teach your child about peace is the rainbow that we see after a rain storm. In the Old Testament, God was so upset that the people of the world were engulfed in sin, that he told Noah to build an arc because he was going to flood the earth and start over. Noah built that ark with his family, and he saved two of each animal. After many months of flooding waters, Noah and his family were able to get off of the ark. At that moment, God promised that he would never flood or destroy the world like that again. As a sign of his promise, he put a rainbow in the sky. Now, every time we see that rainbow, we should think about God’s promise. The fact that God will never again flood the earth should bring everyone ultimate peace.

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